Sunday 22 January 2012

Unique Selling Point (USP)

As previously spoken about the common uses of unique selling points within many major selling films include aspects such as promoting famous stars or producers, incorporating the element of 3D, and using CGI. The Unique Selling Point is a marketing perception that was first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern among successful advertising campaigns. It shows how many campaigns make unique propositions to the consumer in order for them to buy into their product. 

Within our trailer the unique selling point is the theme of music and fame which is a common trait within many successful films as it addresses to the aspiring hopeful. Many audiences dream of fame and fortune and getting into the tough media industry and will therefore be attracted to our concept. Additionally, the incorporation of talent show system is also a USP due to the fact that talent shows have been around for many years and it is a relatable theme. The "XFACTOR" is a world popular franchise whereby many hopefuls audition yet few succeed. By using the idea of "XFACTOR" viewers of the show may also be interested in Death Jam and it potentially could generate a mass audience. 
In addition, we have highlighted the famous director, another USP. A fan base who perhaps enjoy her previous work will undoubtedly watch her new releasing film, which is 
another factor that can promote a large crowd.   

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