Sunday 29 January 2012

Hit Entertainment- Work Experience

Prior to the beginning of my A2 course, I was fortunate enough to have work experience at Hit Entertainment, a company that create, produce and distribute a number of famous children's brands including Bob the Builder and Thomas. Despite the fact that this company I was taught how a product is produced through CGI and how the sound is also implemented as well as being told how the PR and Marketing sections distribute products and magazines in order to generate larger sales. The things i learnt during my work experience showed large cross overs with the information i was given at the Film's Cool session with Matt Wakeham. Therefore i was able to identify with the fact and realise that it is consistent across all boards. From this i have applied it to my trailer and promoted my trailer across all famous social media franchise to similarly generate a larger fan base. 

During my work experience I worked in both the Consumer Products and the Media industry of the company during my work experience. My responsibilities were tasks such as updating the Excel documents, calling various catalogue makers to find a company that will create the new series of Hit brochures, arranging DVD's and burning replicas as well as choosing clips that will be placed on Foreign websites, organising the files, and finally I attending a Thomas sound recoding to view how the audio was record and placed over the CGI images. 

When working with Sophie Young I was required to write synopsisʼ for the various books that will later be read and put up onto the official Rainbow Magic website. Furthermore, I was given the task to handle and organize information that would be given to consumers and future buyers as well as finally organizing stock and filing documents correctly. I was also given the opportunity prepare merchandise for the future Thomas premiere.

Overall, my experience has lead me to further understand the media business though the first hand experience I had within Hit and apply it across other mediums.

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