Sunday 29 January 2012

Production Logos

Below are two images showing the production companies we created for our horror trailer. Every film released has a production and distribution logo at the start of their trailer. The production companies also help fund and distribute the film globally. Additionally, fans of either the production and or distributor will look at their previous releases and will most likely watch the new film created as they would have high expectations that the new release would have similar themes

The production company needed to have similar horror conventions and follow a similar genre to our trailer as they would be the company that specialise in the creation of horror films. Therefore the language used needed to connote the themes of horror, "Scream Supreme" seemed appropriate. Additionally, the themes  and colour scheme also required a similar pattern. Over carrying out much needed research into horror production companies we identified a common theme and colour scheme used, this was red and black. Red and black are commonly used as they equally complement each other by adhering to the themes of death, violence and blood. Therefore, influence us to use an identical colour scheme. 

The distributor for "Death Jam" is "Film Works International" 
 As a group we were given the task to design the 'Filmworks International' logo, throughout previous research that I had done  I found out that the design of the logo has to connote the name of the company and its target audience. For example , 'Universal' features an image of the world, therefore indicating it's global audience. 

For our distributor we followed a similar pattern by having an image of a plane traveling over the sun. Similar to Universal it shows it's globally recognised appeal and the text equally suit the image, 'International' can be thought of as traveling internationally, therefore a plane seemed to complement the language used. 

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