Sunday 29 January 2012


The music used in our horror trailer is "Doors" from a local band called Slowyear. Through the research i have conducted into horror trailers I found that many use lyrical music in order to enhance their message and complement the themes of the film. These include 'My soul to take" that used Sick Puppies, Going Down, which clearly used the lyrics of "Because one of us is going down", which clearly portrays the violence and battle within the film.

A Nightmare on Elm Street created the sound track of infants singing to further enhance the villain and his abilities to murder people in their dreams, this is shown when the children sing " 9,10, Never sleep again".

Finally a trailer in specific that was brought to my attention was The Last House On The Left, which used the acoustic cover to "Sweet Child O' Mine" which in my opinion truly captured that there is no limits when it comes to protecting their daughter. This was shown when the positive song was juxtaposed with the death and murder of the villains.

As a group we came to the conclusion that in order to truly capture our audiences attention similar to the power The Last House On The Left had on myself as an audience member we needed to find a song that shows the tension and barriers our fictional band faced. "Doors" uses the lyrics of "What gives you the right to say anything" which was placed with the criticism of one of our judges, as well as "You're just a devil in disguise" That was placed during the elimination of the band members and murder of the final two judges.

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