Sunday 29 January 2012

Films Cool- DIgital Strategy

During this Films Cool session we were introduced to Matt Wakham and Megan Stuart Wallace who are key attributed within the media industry and are known for successfully making a brand accordingly. We began looking at three very successful campaigns that took the idea of digital strategies out of the spectrum and achieved something phenomenal. These include Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch Projects, and finally the most incredible campaign of all, Batman.

On of the key lessons we were taught is that dominance over social media and visual dominance across billboards and magazines etc is key in achieving crowd excitement and selling cinema tickets. A film's digital strategies and campaigns help promote the film even more, and also allow the audience to feel involved within the film and movement. The images below show the digital campaigns we were introduced to: 

Paranormal activity was a very low budget film and not many people knew of its existence however, when it began a twitter campaign audiences thrived on a global release and this further lead into the creation of the second and third film being produced by Hollywood. They received over one million tweets in less than 20 hours. Therefore showing the power of social media and how you are able to successfully use it in order to communicate to a wide range of people. We used the idea of a twitter page and created one for Death Jam.

The Dark Night used a flashmob, by involving various people to participate in a games worldwide. This created the illusion that the characters were real and audiences truly believed in what they were doing. This generated crowd excitement and people were able to join like minded individuals in this stream of events and they would complete the game together and feel as though they are apart of the film. 

District 9 is another campaign that used signs and posters. They used these images as a way of crossing the bridge of reality and fiction together. The posters provided a website and number to call which heightened the realism of the posters and allows audiences to get involved in the idea. Anticipation towards the film is then generated because, similar to the dark night audiences are playing a active role in the film prior to its release.

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