Sunday 29 January 2012

Final Draft- Magazine

Magazines features allow the newly released film to gain further recognition and be identified by a larger audience. Exclusive articles, insights and competitions also create excitement and a great desire to watch the film, many will be anticipating the film's release. A film being featured in a magazine ensures media attention and gaining audience recognition. 
I designed this magazine front cover and decided to place a picture of one of the band members on the front as this highlights our main production value and emphases the importance of the band as a key feature within the film. Additionally, effects such as high contrast and low brightness were place on the image in order for it to appear menacing because even though the image may be interpreted as one of the band members it can also been seen as the killer. 
I chose a typical red, white and black colour scheme for the text  and background of the magazine as these colours are the typical conventions used throughout horror. As previously stated red connotes blood and gore whilst black is the colour for death. 
Furthermore by creating a magazine in order to feature our film it contributes to our digital strategy campaign. 
When creating the magazine i followed a similar layout to Empire and Fangoria as these are two successful publications which  focuses on the media industry and cover topics including film, additionally they are also associated with horror and by following similar conventions for inspiration means that my magazine will also have similar successful traits. I incorporated a masthead, main image and side text, which is the layout used by al magazines globally, and this ensured i was adhering to all of the common conventions associated with magazine covers. 

There is a vast improvement from the final draft and the first draft of the magazine as the final draft has consistency whilst the first draft seemed rushed and has no consistency or professionalism. 

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