Sunday 22 January 2012

Film Title + Tag Line

Film Title: We have brainstormed a number of ideas regarding the title of our film and have confidently decided on the piece being called "Death Jam". This title was devised from research looking into music recording companies, several include EMI, Song BMG, and Warner. However, the main recording company that inspired the title of our piece is Def Jam recordings. We then used this title and came up with a similar tone and named our piece "Death Jam". 

The image above shows the typography and style that Death Jam use in order to promote their image. We liked the significance of "D" and "J" and decided to use a similar effect and layout when constructing our title. The image below shows the similar codes and conventions used from Def Jam recordings and how they have been incorporated into our piece. It is immediately identifiable that these two titles have similarities and complement each other. 

We have used an almost identical layout to "Def Jam Recordings". This undoubtedly highlights the music as well as Horror genre of our trailer. 

Tag Line:  The tag line of our piece is "If you can't be famous. Be Infamous". This promotes our trailer and is the main selling point. We have used this specific phrase in order to emphasise the talent show industry. Our trailer uses the themes of success vs failure and elements of auditioning similar to "American Idol" or the "X-Factor" as well as looking at the brutality of failure when unsuccessful acts are rejected and are unable to achieve their high ambitions. 

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