Monday 23 January 2012

Filming Day 5

Performing Arts Studio: Filming Day 5 served the intent to show the audience the audition and the negative outcome it served at the beginning of our trailer. This was a significant shoot as it is the first time the audience have seen the group as a band and sets up the story and sense of equilibrium. One of the main issues with the shoot was the risk of moving the equipment from down stairs to the studio safely and productively. Additionally, it was unsure of what the band will actually play and whether or not it will match the recorded audio during the editing process. However, to our benefit the fictional band understood the requirements of a band and knew how to successfully play the instruments as they are a real band. This proved very beneficial as it meant that the filming exercise did not take very long at all. 

One issue with todays shoot is that two of the four shots were un useable due to the fact that they show the white board in the back ground. Therefore, it fails to create the illusion of an auditioning space and instead appears to be a school. 

However, the footage that was deemed useable was very successful and will be used in the final product, a sound track will be placed on top of the footage during editing as the sound of the band playing is not useable. A video below shows one of the items we shot. 

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