Monday 23 January 2012

Risk Assessment

How to assess the risks in your workplace

  1. 1) Identify the hazards
  2. 2) Decide who might be harmed and how
  3. 3) Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution
  4. 4) Record your findings and implement them
  5. 5) Review your assessment and update if necessary

1) The most prominent risk would be the location of the Void. Nevertheless it is a perfect place to shoot scenes for our trailer as it clearly connotes the themes of horror however there are many hazards including falls and sharp objects could result in a cut which leads to an infection if action is not taken immediately. 

2) The actors as well as the camera and sound technician have the potential to be seriously harmed by falling due to the uneven ground as well as cuts and grazes as a result of the large quantity of sharp broken objects. 

3) There are significantly high risks and the precaution taken includes always being accompanied by an adult, if anything were to happen our teacher is always there to provide appropriate assistance. 

4) As the entire area is a risk it is very difficult to implement them therefore the hazards remain yet are minimised by knowing there is a teacher present if any help is required and individuals in the void are aware of the risk and take self precautions by watching their step. 

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