Sunday 22 January 2012

Story Line

These images show the planning process and generation of ideas we had in order to come up with a fixed idea of what we wanted our trailer to portray and who our target market will be. 

As a group we decided on the idea that captures the themes of music and the uncontrollable desire for fame and fortune. We began thinking of a band auditioning for a recording deal similar to the reasons behind "Xfactor" and "American Idol". However, the band are regrettably dismissed by the critical judges and conflict between the members occurs. This is disruption within our film and the reason for the killings. One of the band hopefuls desperately wanted to succeed and believes their failure is due to the other members and their low abilities. He is highly arrogant yet deterministic to succeed in the music industry. The mass killing begins and he murders the people that represent his barriers into the industry, including the judges, and all of his band members. The audience are un aware of who the killer may be and the verdict is continually changing. When the judge is murdered the audience immediately suspect a band member however when the first band member is eliminated the finger points to either a judge or one of the band members. The idea of not knowing who the killer is builds up the tension and horror within the film. 

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