Sunday 29 January 2012

Final Draft- Film Poster

Every film release is accompanied by a film poster I'm order to alert the attention of future viewers and this allows the film to gain further publicity as it could be featured in a magazine, newspaper, billboards, bus shelters, overall, anywhere the a large crowd will be to view the poster. 
Death Jam film poster adheres to the typical film codes and conventions of  many posters as it follows a similar layout to many industry designed film posters. 

Whist designing the poster i used a image from the film itself to generate excitement and it is an image that an audience member will recognise if they watch the trailer, which means they will most likely remember the image and will probably watch the film. The image also adds to the terrifying feel which is trying to be created through the vivd image of the female judge being gagged and tortured. I chose a red, white and black colour scheme for the overall poster as i did with the magazine as from my previous research i learned that these colours were consistent within the horror genre and are easily identifiable. 

This film poster also features the film tagline situated at the top 'If you can't be Famous, be Infamous.' , this intrigues audiences and generates the desire to watch the film. The tagline also hinders the storyline as it means
 that someone attempting to achieve fame fails and is now
 on a killing rampage as they are now infamous.  The image emphasises this as well clearly connoting the themes of horror. 
The famous director is highlighted on the poster which emphasises our ups and the production details are featured at the bottom of the poster. This follows the common conventions and creates a professional image. 

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