Monday 23 January 2012

Filming Day 6

My House: Filming Day 6 was the last session of filming and we intended to shoot both the conversion between Sekander and Chis after Sekander listens to the radio broad cast, as well as shooting the footage of the judge dismissing the band at the audition. The audio from the radio broad cast will be recorded separately and then placed on top of the action during the editing process. In addition, depute the fact that the judges' commentary is not in the studio where the band played the impact of having the judge against a white back ground shows his superiority and during editing will create the illusion that they are occurring simultaneously at the same time. 

Overall, filming was very quick and efficient as there were no time restraints, the group knew how to use the equipment effectively, and only two of our actors were needed to complete the filming. 

Below shows a clip of the judge delivering his comment on the bands audition and a separate clip showing the lead vocalist having a conversation with another band member. 

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