Sunday 2 October 2011

Fictional Snuff Effects

A snuff film are an urban legend where by motion picture genre depicts the actual death or murder of an individual or group of people, without the use of special effects and fiction.
One of the most famous cases of a film being mistaken for snuff films are the Guinea pig films. The makers tried to make the staged murders and torture look as realistic as possible, with the use of shaky camera work. This authenticity fooled Charlie Sheen who brought up the thought that these films might actually be snuff. 

The reason why I have decided to look into"A Serbian Film" is because i enjoy the style of  a fictional snuff film within the Movie and this is a horror convention that i want to look deeper into in order to gain greater understanding and the possibility incorporating this form of telling a story may possibly be used when producing my trailer. in addition i would like to use conventions such as a shaky camera when filming the deaths in order to make them appear as authentic as possible and create the illusion of snuff footage. 

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