Saturday 1 October 2011

Psychological Illness and Film

Many films that bring up the themes of psychological illness are often entertaining, such portrayals may be distorting to the public’s perception of mental conditions and this repeated negative portrayal of violent psychopaths in slasher films undoubtedly may lead us to believe that people suffering from extreme mental disorders are equally as violent. Nevertheless, statistics show that such individuals are no more violent than the rest of the population and these portrayals lack realism.

One film that has been brought to my attention as being on of the top 10 films that feature mental illness is "Girl Interrupted". This film has provided a somewhat sympathetic view towards mental illness and the fact that the film is based on a true story they will try to keep it as authentic as possible. I have recently read a psychoanalysis on the film and i have stated a segment from the article below: 

Suzanna often exhibits spontaneous damaging behavior that is mainly sexual. Dangerous sexual activity includes sex with a married man, sex with two people the same day, and with another individual. Other spontaneous behaviors include breaking out of the hospital, stealing her medical files, and not taking medication. She also aids in drugging a nurse and steals a guitar from the art room to help cheer up another patient. Spontaneous dangerous behavior is one of the major signs of borderline personality disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).

This psychoanalysis supports the sympathetic as well as authentic interpretation of mental illness within the film and is possibly on of the many reasons for the films success. However, one issue with the film during the representation of borderline personality disorder Suzanna states that she has "No bones in her hand". This might suggest a delusional disorder and unfortunately does not fall into line with borderline personality disorder.  Nevertheless, is still a astonishing film that I, myself enjoy very much. 

In addition to Girl Interrupted there are many other films that are on the top 10 films featuring mental illness. Below is a link to the website: 

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