Sunday 2 October 2011

Ratings and Classifications

Below is a presentation showing the various ratings films are classified by, as well as the rules and regulations needed to fit into certain catergories. I decided to study the rating system in order to understand the banning of "A Serbian Film" and after the research I understand that it fitted into the extreamilty of R18+ which many of these films are kept under strict control and are not massively publicly shown. 

The guidelines will affect our trailer as the horror shown in it will be age appropriate for the target audience. Drug use and sex will be minority hinted but not greatly advertised. In the killer's characterisation we have to emphasise a lack of humanity so the audience are not made to feel very sympathetic towards this character. Discriminatory language will not be featured in the trailer. The action shown in movie trailers is depicted as more out of context than in the film as a whole, therefore the rules are stricter on what is allowed in the trailer because in a film you could show a violent act and the subsequent consequences the character faces later on but harder to portray this in a trailer without giving too much away.

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