Saturday 1 October 2011

Director Analysis- Wes Craven

Wes Craven (Born August 2, 1939) Is a very successful actor, writer, producer, director and have been given the status of being an overall film creator. He has created many phenomenal films that have been recognisable, and still known over several generations and decades. He has been in the film business form 1971 and during his time is best known for his work in horror films. In my very biased opinion is undoubtedly the greatest influence horror has ever experienced. 

Much of his work includes the famous Nightmare on elm street, People under the stairs, The last house on the left, Hills have eyes and the Scream collection, and one of my most recent favourites My soul to take.  

There are many reasons why I admire Wes Craven greatly, and one main reason is that his work has been a great influence in my desire to become a film maker and follow in his footsteps despite how hard it may be. I have grown up with watching many of his films during a young age and distinctively remember the fearful effect it had on me. Looking back and remembering how films such as "A nightmare on elm street" and " Scream" influenced me I truly want to create a film that has the same impact on another individual. Even though I was unfortunately unable to be alive during his early creations in the 70's I have looked back and watch several of his old films where ever possible and plan to continue to watch any new practices he creates during his working years and learn from his work.

In Media Studies during the process of creating a trailer and synopsis for a film I plan to study Wes Craven's work and incorporate similar techniques that will hopefully have equally fearful effects. 

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