Thursday 22 September 2011

Applying conventions of trailers- Trailer Treatment

Below is showing the initial planning process and generation of ideas me and my group produced. 

During the task of applying conventions of a trailer in relation to the creation of a trailer pitch I have learned to visualise how a trailer functions and the narrative structure many trailers follow by. In addition, I have learned how to build up dynamic and tension through the convention of only allowing images to last on screen for a fraction of second and in order to create greater demand and generate excitement it is essential to showcase famous actors/ directors/ producers. 

The reason why trailers differ from films are because trailers provide an overall visual synopsis of a film whereas a clip from a film would provide no previous information and depending on where the scene is the dynamic may not be the same of that of a trailer. Films also are the entire story line and pot where as a trailer is a form of advertising the film. 

Audiences generate thoughts an expectations when they are presented with the production company. This is because they are known to associate the previous work of the production companies and match it against the action shown on screen. This engages an interested audience in a specific genre, in this case it is the genre of horror. We applied this knowledge when choosing Rogue pictures as our production company for our trailer. This is a company known to produce high budget and high concept films that are of a horror genre.  

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