Thursday 15 September 2011

Analysis Of Film Trailer- A Nightmare on Elm Street

We have recently studied trailers and ways of analysing them in order to use similar codes and conventions when creating our very own trailer. Below is a short slide show of the research i made when analysing the trailer "A Nightmare on Elm Street" 

Analysing Trailers Official
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Q) What Clues does the music give us as to what type of film the trailer is advertising? 

Audio- Second half of trailer- Children Singing by user3751743

The sound cloud is showing the music used during the second half of the trailer. This is after the brief naration at the start and during the part where the trailer increases pace and tempo. They have juxtaposed infancy with gruesome murder. The fact that infants are singing a rhyme about Freddy Kruger means that they have been affected from childhood and has been implanted within their minds to fear the male protagonist. 

On top of being an oxymoron is able to give a brief idea of what the story line is going to be about. A female is stating "I'm having these dreams and there's this man, and he's burned' on top of a male individual later on stating "Don't fall asleep", which is also the strapline to the film. The language of there being a man in their dreams creates the obvious impression that they are talking about Freddy Kruger and the mentioning of dreams and not falling asleep hints that he is capturing them in their dreams and is making them fearful of falling asleep. However, whilst many viewers of the newer generation may be unfamiliar with the old 1984 film others recognise the story line and are familiar with what occurs. This film is a mere re telling of the original story using modern technology yet, is still able to generate equal excitement mainly due to the fascinating visuals.  

The overall music used of the children singing advertises a typical horror. Many infants are used in horror films such as "The Omen". This is mainly because their lack of knowing about the world and their inability to protect themselves increases their vulnerability. In this case their memories from childhood within their cognitive memory has remained with them during adulthood and they are able to distinctively remember what happened because it was such a significant part of their lives and eventually fear the protagonist. This supports the idea that our upbringing influences our future behaviours and attitudes towards life. To sum up, the language used is the immediate recognition that this film is indeed a horror.

Q)  What can you sat about the voice of the person delivering the voice-over? Why do you think this voice was chosen? What effect does it have?

Audio Introduction of Trailer by user3751743

There is not a narrative voice over within this specific trailer however, does have dialogue during the first half. This is used when the original story is being re told. This acts as a narrator in other trailers because it is giving a brief background of what previously happened. This beings with a chase and initially you hear loud panting and swerving cars to support that it is a chase.  

The dialogue used between the characters of "Kruger, come on out you sick bastard" and "you open this door Kruger". This shows that he is hiding from something he has done. In reply to this, "Whatever you think i did i didn't do it". This questions his innocence. Yet again due to this film being a remake most of the audience are recognisable with the franchise and know the storyline. 

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