Wednesday 14 September 2011

Features of Multi Modal Texts- My Soul To Take

Features of Multimodal texts: 
Written Text on Screen: "Riverton Ripper kills 7", "Riverton Ambulance", "Riverton Varsity", "Riverton Ripper Exclusive". The frequent use of the word "Riverton"sets the scene as well expressing a community within the suburbs. Additionally, "riverton ripper" uses alliteration in the form of fear and signifies the impact this event has on the community. "Ripper" is a well established phrase for a human committing a number of serial murders. 

By mentioning Wes Craven, who has been the director, writer and producer of many films within the horror genre the audience are able to associate his previous work with this film and therefore expect something similar tot the lines of horror. By mentioning the release in the fall season adds to the dark gloomy atmosphere of the film and the outside weather is able to match the mood of the film. Another point is the phrase "bringing you closer to fear" this to me feels like an invasion of privacy and personal space. I feel as though the film will frighten me more because it will be as if the villain will come out towards me. The lettering pooping out of the screen also hints that the film is in 3D and creates a high concept expectation. 

Spoken Language: Bible Reference- voice over "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake. I pray the lord. (Pause) My soul to take". The language immediately hints the unknown or a supernatural being controlling the victim. "Soul" hints a mysterious un obvious power and/ or some form of afterlife. "If i should die before i wake" Gives a murderous theme of unknown killings "I pray the lord my soul to take" Finally, the reference to God creates the typical themes of good vs evil and the theme of a higher power controlling you and owning you and your life.

"My name is Adam Hellerman but everyone calls me Bug" The names used show connotations too. Adam is a religious name, perhaps reefers to Adam and Eve, whilst Hellerman "Hell" Shows negative outcomes of possibly the afterlife or a living hell/ nightmare etc. Finally, Bug, could mean that the character shows characteristics of a Bug which could be Sneaky, nosey and unnoticed. 

Moving Images:
  • Ripper is difficult to identify, large being, rather odd looking.

  • Close up of various Knives as well as showing the discovery of dead bodies by the river
  • Person thrown off a bridge at the start as well as a number of other killing and attacks took place.

  • Images showing somewhat supernatural behaviour

Suspiciousness and Curiosity springs up as to who the Ripper might be and puzzles the audience into the desire to solve the mystery and discover the mysterious Riverton Ripper. The beginning of several murders supports the audience expectations of a horror film and generates excitement as the deaths become more and more frequent the pace and tempo increases. Finally, the unraveling of the dead bodies by the river connotes the main headline title of many articles shown, "The RIVER-ton Ripper" By following through the irony of being called the riverton ripper and killing victims by a river continues the story and justifies the name given to the villain. 

Sound Effects:
Heart Beats, Knife slashes, Heavy breathing, Ghostly whispers, gusts of wind, gun shots, sirens, high pitched piano notes, an instrument commonly used in many horror films due to the high pitched sounds produced which are commonly associated with horror and fear.  

Sounds played are only played for a short amount of time which could represent short violent attacks and murders as well as accompanying the increase in pace and tempo as well as horrific atmosphere through the unraveling of the storyline. Sounds used such as gun shots and knives are  related to the murders and killings which thus create a horror atmosphere and expectation. 

Music: Sick Puppies "Your Going Down"is the song that is played towards the end of the trailer. The title of the song connotes a fight and violence which complements the film and what it is trying to portray. Additionally, there is the sound of guitars as a background melody to the story line and narration voice over section. 

The title of the song "your going down" impacts the audience's thoughts and they believe, by the loud heavy metal and fast tempo of the track, that there will be a fight until one person has died. The song is also matched against a violent attack to support this. 
Finally, the introduction of guitars tends to imply a western style that is usually played in the build up to violent action. This music supports the audience expectations of violence and fights to take place within the film. 

Sick Puppies "Going Down" by user3751743

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