Friday 17 June 2011

The Meeting Evaluation

The preliminary task had both good and bad outcomes. The main satisfactory standards that was also brought up in a class discussion would be the strong acting, this was shown through the strong dramatic characterisation within the dialogue as well as body language and tone. Additionally, the camera setting was seen to be effective because it reflected a negative connotation though the black back drop and possibly insinuates a negative situation and outcome.

The more negative aspects of our production rather out weigh the positives. The camera shots needed to be more varied. This may have been a flaw due to not having any previous experience within film making and due to our time frame being so short we failed to film our sequence to a satisfactory standard. Furthermore, the camera was unsteady and means that next time we must use a tripod in order to take steady shots. One final flaw is the editing. There was not continuity within our editing techniques and the transitions needed to be more seemingness. During the stage of editing we ran out of time and in the end cut the main body of our footage out of the sequence and only incorporated the start and end of our filming. This also shows that we need to record a manageable amount that can be edited within the time frame.

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