Wednesday 15 June 2011

Introduction to A2 Media Studies

My name is Angelia Potamides and i am embarking on an A2 media Studies course. After previously experiencing a year of Media Studies i have been taught the various forms and dimensions of the media culture and how aspects in television and film operate. For example, the number of different shot types, connotations of lighting and sound for a moving image, as well as how the music industry works and the types of conglomerates, meaning of convergence, and how initial music products like artists go through the process of synergy. 

When i began the A2 course on the 13th of June i discovered an immediate alternative to the initial AS course. Differences included group based rather than individual working which for me is very different to my preferred independent style of working, this will therefore bring on self challenges that i need to overcome in order to succeed in Media Studies and learn group working behaviours. In addition, it involves both a print and video practical task therefore it is a much wider brief, whereas, in AS we were only studying print based tasks and the brief was in a niche form. 

To my knowledge the aim of the course is to create a film marketing campaign advertising a horror movie trailer that we in our groups have created. Marketing aspects shall consist of a magazine publication, film poster to support the trailer. Additionally, i will show research and planning through a series of posts on this very blog. 

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