Friday 17 June 2011

The Meeting Evaluation

The preliminary task had both good and bad outcomes. The main satisfactory standards that was also brought up in a class discussion would be the strong acting, this was shown through the strong dramatic characterisation within the dialogue as well as body language and tone. Additionally, the camera setting was seen to be effective because it reflected a negative connotation though the black back drop and possibly insinuates a negative situation and outcome.

The more negative aspects of our production rather out weigh the positives. The camera shots needed to be more varied. This may have been a flaw due to not having any previous experience within film making and due to our time frame being so short we failed to film our sequence to a satisfactory standard. Furthermore, the camera was unsteady and means that next time we must use a tripod in order to take steady shots. One final flaw is the editing. There was not continuity within our editing techniques and the transitions needed to be more seemingness. During the stage of editing we ran out of time and in the end cut the main body of our footage out of the sequence and only incorporated the start and end of our filming. This also shows that we need to record a manageable amount that can be edited within the time frame.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Meeting-Story Board

Below shows a slide show of the shot story board. We created a story board in order to use as a guide on what will happen next and help us with our organisation skills of the shots. Additionally, by knowing the order of shots we can then use it to help us while the editing process 

The Meeting- Script

Filming Script : The Meeting 
Psychologist/ Dr Phillips: Ballu Koroma
Violet Cooper: Angelia Potamides
Camera Operator: Morgan Boon 
(Action on documents and Violet during the speech) 
Psychologist Voiceover:...Yes the patient has been given Diazepam shot for her erratic behaviour. I believe this is a Mrs Violet Cooper, who has recently suffered a still birth roughly 7 months ago and has been formerly diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, depression, paranoia, and impulsive control disorder. Attempted suicide on several occasions and has been sectioned in a psychiatric ward for the past 3 months. The most recent attempt was a few hours after release from the ward 3 days ago and was immediately admitted to hospital requiring a gastric lavage and to be restrained by 4 members of staff.  
(Psychologist enters the room-Slowly walks towards her seat)
Psychologist: Good Afternoon Mrs Cooper I am Dr Phillips
Violet: It’s Ms. I’m divorced. are you surprised? Thought not.
Psychologist: I’m Sorry
Violet: Ha Sorry? Your not sorry. You people just sit here judging me when you don’t even know who I am. You are a stranger and you want me to sit here telling you my life story like we have been friends for years. This is a joke. This place is a joke and so are you. 
Psychologist: We are here to help you get through this and overcome all of your demons
Violet: You wanna know something else? You people always tell me how i’m feeling. Why? Who are you to judge how i’m feeling? You don’t have the faintest idea of what its like, and you call me the crazy one. I mean why don’t you just fucking ask me how i’m feeling for once then you might start to understand.
Psychologist: Please continue. Tell me how are you are feeling?
Violet: Loss of Control.
Psychologist: Do you care to explain
Violet: Explain what? Explain to a doctor that the laws of physics can altered in such a way that the world and everyone around you is so messed up. That you can get uplifts yet they will fall and drag you along with them? and you cannot get down no matter how hard you try? and that time and space can pause and constantly play back at the same position like a broken VCR. So i have to constantly watch my life being burned and destroyed over and over. Everything is falling apart and I cannot control it. 
Psychologist: How does this make you feel inside? 
 Violet: It hurts. It hurts. I can feel my brain expanding with thoughts that its cracking the outside of my skull, piercing my brain, draining, slowly crumbling away like the deceased.  
Psychologist: Please Continue? 
Violet: I’m a monster, cursed, sheer evil. I killed my own child. How long i’ve tried to get everything right but i just fail. I couldn’t even keep him alive. My baby boy, Joseph. I used to feel his kicks and felt his heart beating. My little bundle of life, hope, happiness. GONE! because of me. 
I knew something wasn’t right. During the last 2 months he stopped kicking. I didn’t want to believe it. I thought he was sleeping or something and i thought everything was going to be perfect. But i knew deep down i just wanted to rip it open and help him breathe.
When he was born i saw. He was blue, life less. I held him so close to my heart , i thought i could keep him warm and i held him so tight i didn't want to let go yet i could endure every ounce of  of my baby deteriorating in my arms and i couldn’t stop it. Blowing away like dust.  
What i would give just to hear him cry, watch him open his eyes, smile. But that wasn’t my baby. My baby boy died 2 months before and i never got to say goodbye. HE’S DEAD! While i’m here breathing, moving when it should be him. I’m in hell burning away. The blades slicing through my flesh and dripping with relief. I wished for the strength to cut deeper and deeper to drain away the curse. I’m already dead.
(Psychologist writing) 
What are you writing down? More rubbish to humiliate me with. To joke around and laugh with? 
Psychologist: Please stay seated and calm Ms Cooper and i assure you the notes taken are used to asses your progress. 
(Grabs document) Violet:  Violet cooper diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Depression. What does that even mean? 
Describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated energy levels, and mood with or without one or more depressive episodes. The elevated moods are clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes, or symptoms.
Well do you wanna know something Doctor? The world is a pretty fucked up place. I’m sure everyone according to your definition will be considered as depressed or bipolar, wouldn’t you agree? It’s not an illness its emotion, human nature. I bet your life isn’t so perfect, no ones is. Perfection doesn’t exist. It never has.
Psychologist:  It also sates that you have failed to take your pills on a number of occasions. I would advise you to take them. It will help you with improving and take away the pain. 
Violet: They make me feel numb and for what so i can be considered as normal? socially acceptable? I killed my baby. I want to feel the pain i put him though. I deserve the pain. 
(Psychologist brings over the medication and water while violet hits them away. She then runs out of the door screaming)
(On the phone) Psychologist: Hello, could I have an ambulance arrive please. I have a patient who requires immediate sedation and hospital treatment. 
(Cut to violet running then back to Psychologist)
She is at a high risk of harming herself and others around her due to her illness. Have you managed to find her on the system?
Cut to Violent in the bath room washing her face/ hitting the mirror/ then running away) 
...She goes by the name Ms Violent Cooper. Recently admitted to St Johns hospital institution.  
(cut to psychologist) Psychologist: How long are to able to be here by? In 15 minutes thank you very much
(Cut to Violet)  Violet: Ready (cut to red traffic light) See you soon Joseph (amber) Go (green).
Final scene an image of Violet being burnt on the ground. 

The Meeting- Generation of Ideas

Today in class we began our prelim task of 'The meeting'. We worked in small groups to come up with a  number of ideas that could form together to create a short film. Below is an image of a mind map we created that expresses our thoughts.

Introduction to A2 Media Studies

My name is Angelia Potamides and i am embarking on an A2 media Studies course. After previously experiencing a year of Media Studies i have been taught the various forms and dimensions of the media culture and how aspects in television and film operate. For example, the number of different shot types, connotations of lighting and sound for a moving image, as well as how the music industry works and the types of conglomerates, meaning of convergence, and how initial music products like artists go through the process of synergy. 

When i began the A2 course on the 13th of June i discovered an immediate alternative to the initial AS course. Differences included group based rather than individual working which for me is very different to my preferred independent style of working, this will therefore bring on self challenges that i need to overcome in order to succeed in Media Studies and learn group working behaviours. In addition, it involves both a print and video practical task therefore it is a much wider brief, whereas, in AS we were only studying print based tasks and the brief was in a niche form. 

To my knowledge the aim of the course is to create a film marketing campaign advertising a horror movie trailer that we in our groups have created. Marketing aspects shall consist of a magazine publication, film poster to support the trailer. Additionally, i will show research and planning through a series of posts on this very blog.